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He Walked Among Us

[The readings for Mass today may be found by clicking this link here.]

The tomb is empty.

Tired old explanations have wafted like wind through the centuries: the disciples took and hid the body; Jesus really didn't die, but got up and walked around but faded into obscurity; Jesus never really existed at all.

The problem with all of these is many people, not just the women, not just a few disciples and one Apostle, but Roman soldiers and local authorities saw him die. The tomb where everyone saw the noble Joseph (Joseph of Arimathea) lay the body of Jesus was decidedly empty. Jesus furthermore began showing up and talking with and engaging in physical contact with other people (even going so far to share a fish was another time and culture, don't judge...with the Apostles).

The Word became Flesh and dwelt among us. He did not just dwell, He lived rough, died rough, and then rose again. The Word came among us to destroy the hold Death and Corruption has on us by willingly subjecting himself to Death, only for Death to confront Life, and when something that exists encounters a state of non-existence, the non-existence disappears and what we thought exists we realize never existed in the first place. The Great Nothingness was filled with the Great I AM and could not overcome Him.

So for those who counter that this Faith is nothing more than a sham, I have only these words:


Indeed He is risen. Hallelu IAH.

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